Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I Know. 9-25-11

I know how to spend money. Mom and I have been doing some hard core shopping this weekend. We've been back and forth about stuff we've seen on craigslist. Yesterday, I ordered a tall book shelf for my living room from Target, and it should arrive this week. I also ordered base trim for my living room and kitchen from Lowe's to pick up. My goal is to get the kitchen, living room, upstairs bath and nursery all done before the baby gets here. This morning, I went to Krogers, Petco, Sally's, Target, Walmart and Lowe's all before noon. I looked at a lot of baby stuff, especially cribs. While at Target, they had some of the Missoni stuff that people have been going bonkers over. They had a little sweater tunic and leggins for a baby girl. The price ($50) for an outfit Boop might wear 3-4 times seemed a bit too much. It was pretty cute, though.
Mom found a riding lawn mower that she liked on craigslist, but it didn't get good ratings online. After my report, she was ambivalent, and upon hearing the engine run, she decided to pass. That turned out to be a good thing, as she found a better one that was a little bit cheaper. During that time, she also found a crib on craiglist. We had been looking at them for a while, but I've been very hesistant with all of the recalls. The main concern is about the drop side; there was a major crib recall in June. Of course, everything I had seen and asked about so far had a drop side, even amongst folks who claimed that their crib had not been recalled. I had just about given up, as I figured folks wouldn't have had time to finish with them after the recall. I lucked out this weekend: no drop side. Mom found one that had only been used a couple of times. So, Boop has a baby crib :).
Now, we just need to get it here, which will probably happen in mid/late October. I should still be feeling okay by then to get it all put together. So, that's one less thing to worry about. And aside from electrical that should be taken care of on Thursday, my upstairs bathroom only needs a little bit of grout, wood putty, and paint. Fingers crossed, that will be finished this weekend!

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