Friday, October 21, 2011

Taking Stock at Week 26. 10-17-11

Here's what's happening at Week 26:
  • I had no idea how exhausted traveling would make me. Although I'm glad I got to visit and go the concert, the trip from N'ville just about did me in. I'm re-evaluating future driving plans, particularly if they involve going all of the way to L'ville.
  • More cute baby stuff! I managed to unload all of the great things I brought back from my trip from Z, L, and Mom from the car and found an additional package on my doorstep from F. Included in the box were Boop's 1st new shoes, and this is how a love affair with shoes begins! Goodness gracious, I'm lucky to have such generous and thoughtful friends! 
  • In my mind, I'm hearing the the theme song from "My 3 Sons."
  • Still having trouble with thrush and with my tummy. Sleep continues to be a problem, but I'm managing to get my rear out of bed and to work. Still lots to do on the house. A few leg cramps these last couple of days, but hopefully, that's just a result of my body being out of whack from travel.
  • The pregnancy websites for Week 26 noted that the baby may be "pedaling"--walking against the uterine walls, and come to think of it, I did notice something like that earlier today. And also, abdominal pain. I was really feeling it this weekend. Hopefully, resting will help. Sometimes, I wonder how I'm keeping Boop in there and have this fear that she's just going to plop out at some random moment.
  • Someone told me my face was fatter :( I guess it's better than not being able to eat with the hyperemesis gravidarum. I did read something about pre-eclampsia being associated with puffy face, but I believe pre-eclampsia is more sudden in onset. My blood pressure always runs low, anyway. Probably just the weight.

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