Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Next Stop. 10-19-11

I managed to get to R's by 4pm, and after getting some adorable outfits from R for Boop ("My mom rocks!"), joined her and J for a Cemetery Walk nearby. It was a family burial plot from the 1800's narrated by folks playing the role of different family members buried there. Unfortunately, there was a fair bit of standing in one place, and I could feel my blood pressure dropping. So, I just plopped down amidst the sawdust path and sat Indian style until the next stop on our tour. One woman was very apologetic to tell me the story of how she died in childbirth and tried to soften her story as much as possible, adding that times were so much different then. If she only knew some of the things I saw in genetic counseling!

Okay, so maybe a little ironic, especially at this point in my pregnancy...
Afterwards, R and J got changed (I was still sporting my sawdust pants), and we all headed out for the Irish pub. I'm sensitive to vegetarian friends, but not nearly enough to not eat meat ;) I had a nice Irish stew with something I figured was parsnips? We were running behind, the concert started at 8pm, and so we made our way to pick up Z. I asked her to bring out M to give her a toy, which she received with a big grin. With that, we got to the concert a few minutes before 8pm, and me, of course, with a very full bladder. Finally, I gave in and ran to the bathroom in the Mexican place next door.
About 9pm (10pm my time), we got into the concert--not sure why they started so late (R's ticket said 7pm). I wound up having to sit down during the bulk of the concert, and I gave up on leaning my back against the stage due to the vibrations, which Boop didn't like. In retrospect, the sound was probably too loud for Boop, and I shouldn't have been so close to the stage. More mother's guilt :( Fortunately, the guy from NY didn't appear. And other than the volume, the concert proceeded well enough, folks were in good form, nothing too crazy, except maybe one large, exhausted pregnant woman who was trying to figure out what was going on. I wasn't much good for anything else after that and pretty much went straight to R's house to bed. The next morning, dreading the 9 hour drive back home, I was definitely feeling the trip was a bit too ambitious.

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