Friday, December 30, 2011

Exam, Take 3. 12-28-11

Is there a prize for having the most pelvic exams in 1 week? If so, I think I would be a top contender for that awful prize. Hearing my concerns, B at work had suggested that I see a physician in the practice; so I called in to the office to see if the receptionist could get me in. As it turns out, the midwife was there when she asked the physician; so the midwife said she would see me. No new information.
So, there’s not much to do at this point. I’m dilated to 4cm. The midwife said that biologically, I’m one of the most favorable she’s seen to go into labor, and she can’t figure out why I haven’t progressed. I can think of a few reasons (e.g., Winnie, that long waitlist for daycare). I also believe it is better for Boop to hang around as long as possible. It sure is pretty miserable, though. And it’s certainly not intentional that I’m trying to stop labor. In fact, it would have been great if I could go into labor during the morning. Mom would have time to get here, and we wouldn’t have to worry about Winnie.
Minnies for my mini-me
In the meantime, I stopped at Walgreen’s to pick up a few things, and they had their Christmas stuff marked down. And what did I see? Another Minnie Mouse. That makes 3 Minnie Mouses? Minnie Mice? that I’ve found in 3 days. Mom and I each found a Minnie Mouse for Boop the day after Christmas in the after Christmas sales, and then I found  this one. I need to figure what I’m going to do with all of the Minnies. I got a few little ones at my 2nd shower. And I got a Minnie Mouse pillow from one of the people that my mom works with. So, it’s full-tilt Minnie Mouse. I can’t wait to get the crib and changing table put together; so I can finish decorating!

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