Thursday, December 15, 2011

Out and About. 12-11-11

I discovered a few days ago that the lids didn’t fit the storage bins I had, and my list of things to buy was growing. So, I decided to get out and go shopping this morning. I managed to get out of the house and get the car defrosted around 10am. I powered through, but I thought I was going to create some drama. I was debating about whether to just find a seat and chill for a little while or try to hurry up and get home. I decided on the latter, as I figured what I really needed was to eat. Some nasty mix of arthritis, dropping blood pressure and sugar, and anemia. Just tried to keep from collapsing in the middle of Wally World. Two things were on my agenda:  get my freezer and pantry stocked up and get some things to take with me for the hospital. As I was waiting in line, there was a little spot on the bottom shelf that if I were in a more mobile condition would have been adequate to sit a spell, but I figured at this point, if I sat down, I wouldn’t get back up.
I looked up and saw the Subway as I was checking out, which I have been successful in avoiding throughout my pregnancy (just barely). However, I reasoned that a meatball sub should be free of listeria and got one to go. Once I got the car loaded with over $100 worth of what, I wasn’t sure, I debated about whether or not to wait until I got home to eat the sandwich. Even though I had a prime parking space and knew people behind me were waiting, I sat and devoured the sandwich in my car before I left the parking lot. Upon arriving home, I hurried to try to get the car unloaded. As it turns out, I wound up with 16 rolls of paper towels, enough detergent for 106 loads of laundry, a bag of 10-15 meals worth of pierogies, and a bunch of other stuff; hopefully, that will keep me sane for a while. I’m not sure I was quite sane while I was loading my cart. For the rest of the day, I’ve just been trying to recover.

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