Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pump *clap* You Up! 12-15-11

“I’m strong to the finich, ‘cause I eats me spinach!” Let’s hope that’s true. They haven’t tested my iron since they found I was anemic. I HATE taking iron. Technically, I’m supposed to take 2 a day, but I’m just taking one and doing my best to get lots of iron in my diet. I just had a bit of frozen spinach with some bacon for flavoring. Not as good as the turnip greens with country ham but perfectly edible.
Even though I’m anemic, Boop is certainly strong! She puts that little leg out, and it feels like she could just poke right through. Today, I was trying to manage during a meeting and lecture. I think she was doing the Chinese splits: one foot was pushing one way, one was pushing the other. I tried to rub her little feet or knees to encourage her to let up, but she was determined to have her little stretch. And I’m contorting around to try and relieve some of the ‘pressure’ <pain!>.
Speaking of strong, I’m considering cloth diapering and have scheduled a time to talk to a woman who has a cloth diaper service. I had looked a while ago to see if there was a cloth diaper service here, but I couldn’t find anyone. Our yoga instructor arranged for the cloth diaper person to talk to us to tell us more about cloth diapering in general and her service in particular. She estimates that newborns may go through 80 diapers a week. <Imagine Hans-n-Franz style power pose.> It’s definitely more work than disposables, but it has some important advantages. Aside from the benefits to the environment, it turns out that little ones are less likely to get diaper rash from cloth diapering, and potty training happens faster. Plus, this service keeps returning your own diapers, decreasing the likelihood of exposure to something from another family, and she avoids using harsh chemicals, only bleaching every 3rd wash. So, I’m scheduled to meet with her next week. Hopefully, it will work out. No doubt, I will be changing lots of diapers!

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