Friday, December 16, 2011

Packing for Hospital. 12-11-11

I was fortunate to get good feedback from the ladies at SMC about preparing for delivery. Here is the list we came up with so far. Please let me know any other things that you can think of that I should pack.
In suitcase:
For me:
toiletries (which I always keep in my suitcase)
2-3 gowns/PJ's and footies
2-3 changes of clothes (mid-pregnancy size)
undies--but they typically provide some
adult diapers for water breaking, in case of C-section
pillow with dark pillow case (so not to confuse with hospital pillows)
nursing supplies (cream, pad, bra)
For Boop:
socks, hat, and blanket
clothes for photo
clothes to wear home (should be appropriate for car seat--not gown)
nail clippers
Optional: unscented baby wash
Optional: diapers (NB and size 1) and wipes
Optional: Boppy or nursing prop

In tote bag/back pack:
notebook and pen (including list of contacts)
baby book
magazines or other form of distraction
snacks for self and support person
cell phone w/charger

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