Wednesday, December 14, 2011

To Done. 12-10-11

I actually got 4 hours of sleep without the TV on tonight! I slept in my bed and only woke up once, sleeping until nearly 5am. My mind was going through all of the things I need to do. My helper came about 9am and got the door and ceiling finished; although when we took the painters tape off, it took some of the other paint with it. Fortunately, touch up was quick, and she was finished by lunch time.
I have a preliminary pack of my suitcase for the hospital. I know I need to pack more stuff… There was a posting on the SMC forum about things to take to the hospital, but I couldn’t find it. So far, I have my clothes to wear home (hopefully the right size), a gown for the hospital, and my toiletries, which I typically keep in the bag. Then, for Boop, I have a gown, hat, socks, bib, blanket, wet wipes, and a couple of NB and 1 diapers. I’m already learning the lingo ;) NB diapers are up to 10 lbs, but size 1 start at 8 lbs ( We’ll just have to see where she winds up. I know there were other things on the list like snacks and magazines, but I would like to see the list again of what folks found helpful to have.
So, I’m getting more things crossed off my list. My next big project is finishing the trim. It would be nice to have this done so I can finish trim painting and put books on my book shelves. This isn’t as important as getting Boop’s car seat installed in the car. I think the only place in town listed on was downtown at the sheriff’s office. Hopefully, I’ll have a chance to go next week, but I should make sure I have my car in good shape before, I guess. The cold weather is making check tire light come on. So, I really need to focus on getting the car seat installed and Boop’s room finished.

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