Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Swollen Stollen. 12-26-11

It’s nearly 1am, and I should be sleeping. I managed to get a few hours though. It was a hectic Christmas. Mom and I hosted some international students, and Mom made a ton of food. I was running the whole time, and we were thoroughly exhausted. Besides Mom’s bad back, I’m hobbling around. Not so easy with a baby head in your pelvis, and I wonder what gives babies that lovely conehead appearance—is it mainly the time in the pelvis or the time in the birth canal? If it’s the pelvis, Boop will rival Jane Curtin on her most pointy day. Thank heavens those bones can move back into their proper round position. I just hope little Boop doesn’t have to wear one of those awful helmets!
Meanwhile, I’m debating about whether or not it’s worth buying a pair of support hose. One of the students was telling me about a less expensive place to order them online. However, I’m wondering how long it will be until the baby arrives. After running around for our visitors, my swelling has gotten significantly worse. And I’m not sure why, but my right hand and foot definitely are more swollen. I’ve been trying to drink lots of fluids, but I have a little bit of work to do to get the salt from the country ham out of my system. Santa brought me a lovely country ham for Christmas, and it smells so yummy. But I think it will need to wait until after the baby arrives to have very much of it.
I also got some other nice gifts. Power tools! Those will need to wait until after the baby, too. I also got a book of illustrations from Donald Jackson of the Pentateuch; only I haven’t opened it, yet… And then of course, folks sent along some things for me and little Boop. My aunt D sent me a really nice Oxo Goodgrips paper towel holder and bottoms for the baby and a really sweet card—telling me that she was only 5 hours away and would be happy to come when we needed her J I also got the adorable hat for Boop  from cousin KB, which I included in my blog a few days ago. And then my cousin R sent a huge box of stuff for little Boop, another sleeping bag that I needed so Boop won’t need a blanket in her crib. My cousin B sent some rattles. Santa also managed to get Boop an adorable crib set. I can’t wait to get Boop’s crib all put together!

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