Thursday, December 8, 2011

Whirlwind Day. 12-4-11

There’s no doubt about it. I am slowing down. My arthritis is really catching up with me. All of the weight and hormones are just not a good mix. I started about 9:30am yesterday doing some shopping, trying to get a few more things out of the way. I got so exhausted mid-way through my list, but I managed to get most things marked off. After a quick lunch, my helpers came by. The plan was for them to come and work for 2 hours. Fortunately, they stayed a fair bit longer J. One stayed 4 hours and the other 5 hours. We’re getting close to having the area around the stairs painted, I now have handles on my kitchen drawers, and we got the house reasonably clean. So, the house was reasonably presentable to company. But, I was in pain. I felt like my legs were just freezing up, and I could hardly move. And so I overdid it again. At least I had a few minutes to rest here and there, and I had the satisfaction of knowing things were a bit more ready for Boop’s arrival. It’s only going to get more challenging from here.

My company was a few minutes late to arrive, which gave me a bit of time to rest and psych myself up. Thankfully, they were patient with me. We made peanut butter cookies and attempted some sugar cookie cut-outs with slice and bake cookies, which was a bit hard to manage. But I had thought ahead as far as drinks, and we made up for the cookies with egg nog, mulled cider and hot tea. After we made enough cookies to munch on, we attempted a bit of tree decorating. Before my company, my helper had tried to help me find Christmas decorations in the dark shed. I found the LED lights that I bought at the end of last year. I think they look like little chili peppers, but A thought they looked like mini pine cones. Then, I found the garland and LED “Vegas” angel and managed to get her perched up on the top of the tree after a few tries. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize that we didn’t have the main box of ornaments or else I would have had more help. I bought an ornament box last year, and I forgot that it was under my bed. So, I guess I will save those for another day. Folks made their ways home at about 11pm, which was a bit past my bedtime ;) At the moment, I’m just enjoying the lights and waiting to see if I can get my energy level back up to do a bit more decorating.

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