Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day of Rest. 11-23-11

It's 10:30 am, and I'm still in my pajamas. I slept on and off for nearly 12 hours. I guess I was really exhausted. Last night, we had a bit of a scare; I had a few noticeable contractions. Reading about Braxton-Hicks contractions, I always wondered what they would feel like. Guess I know now! After 3-4 contractions, I called the answering service and quickly heard back from the midwife on call. She said if I had more than 6 in an hour, to go on to the emergency room. Otherwise, I should drink lots of water and rest. Thankfully, I only had a few more after talking to her. I was dreading the thought of going to the ER out of state. My insurance has a $2000 deductible for out of state care :(
So, little Boop has about 6-7 more weeks if we can stick it out. She's been pretty active; I started really noticing her flop around about 5 am this morning. I guess she's doing well enough now; although I am still a bit sore. Unfortunately, I have a habit of testing my limits, but with baby in tow, I really need to be more careful. It was good that I was able to spend time with aunt D, and hopefully, we'll be able to get to do some preparations for Thanksgiving. The plan is to go out for steak tonight J Boop will be thrilled. When I finally got up to take a shower, I had a few more contractions, but they eased up after the shower. Hopefully, they will continue to ease.

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