Saturday, December 3, 2011

Taking Stock at Week 32. 11-30-11

Here’s what’s happening at Week 32:
  • It’s official: I’m (at least) 8 months pregnant. And yes, I’m only 8 months pregnant. That means that I have 1.5 months ago; in spite of the eyebrow raises and the looks down at my bump I get when I say I have that long. Scarier still: most 1st pregnancies go past term. I can’t blame Boop for wanting to hang around that long. Seems like a pretty good, if not confining, life. But honestly, I might explode if I get any bigger. I’ve gained so much weight! Mentally, I’m craving exercise, but physically, I’m just lucky to get up the stairs to work. Hopefully, Winnie and I can at least walk to the dog park this evening.
Big Stuff! Boop Shooz :)

  • The pregnancy sites say that at 32 weeks, Boop should be about 19 inches and weigh 4 lbs. <Ha! Ha!> More importantly, 90% of babies born at 32 weeks will survive. <Whew!> They also note that the baby is sensitive to hot and cold, which may explain why she was not at all happy and kicking when Winnie was laying near her.
  • I’m feeling a bit better this morning after massage therapy. I was Jonesing for the yoga spa retreat this weekend, but it sounds like it’s more geared for non-pregnant women. Hopefully, she’ll have preggie yoga today; although she has cancelled several weeks due to lack of demand.
  • On Monday, the midwife got after me for not taking iron supplements. Mea culpa. It’s like trading one problem for another. I’m used to feeling run down; so it feels like the lesser of 2 evils. She suggested a liquid form from the health food store. She also questioned my desire for a doula and said that was her job as a midwife to take care of me.

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