Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Culture. 6-3-12

Such an ordeal. So the nurse gave us a collection kit to take home. The kit looked more appropriate for boys than girls, and I just expected that it would be ill-fated. I asked for a back-up collection kit <Good heavens, it’s just a glorified plastic bag with some tape on it. Surely it can’t cost that much!>. The nurse would not give us an extra. With that, we left the doctor’s office, and Mom headed back home. I stuck the plastic collection kit on Boop so that we could get a sample to evaluate the UTI. The sample had to be collected before we picked up the antibiotic.
Sleepy baby--a few days ago
A few hours later, she had a pretty good amount. I debated about taking it to the pediatrician’s office the next morning or taking it on to the hospital. The weather was sweltering, but I knew a million things could happen in the morning. I figured I should just take it on over, and I got Boop out in that heat. We went to the hospital first, and as usual, I asked, “Is there anything else that you need?” The person didn’t think so, and we headed to our next stop, the pharmacy for the antibiotic. We came home, and I gave her the antibiotic. Then, I got a call from the hospital. They had to throw out her sample because the sample itself did not have her name, etc. on it. I was furious. Let’s recap: 2 failed catheterizations, 1 failed collection bag that I got my daughter out in 90 degree heat to deliver, AND she had already started antibiotics. Antibiotics can give a false negative urinalysis result (she may have a UTI, but the urinalysis will say she doesn't).

I called Tuesday morning. They said she still needed a sample even though she’s been on antibiotics. So, I went by after work and got another collection kit. Unfortunately, the collection kit didn’t do its job well, and we didn’t get much. So I dumped that into the container and put the collection kit back on. Of course, she had diarrhea then; so the collection bag was toast. I delivered the sample for culture the next day. I was afraid it wouldn’t be enough. A few days later I get a call. “We have the results of her urine test, and it’s negative. So no UTI.” To which, I responded, “You know that sample was taken 2 days after she started antibiotics. So, it’s pretty much uninformative, right? Well, she has a ear infection, too; so I guess we need to continue with the antibiotics, anyway.” She said okay and that was it.

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