Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wham Re Bop Boom Bam. 6-3-12

Whodda thunk it? The Big Band/Swing station on TV did it. Boop has struggled to sleep. Nursing wasn’t putting her to sleep, and walking around singing has had some success, particularly when she was in the hospital with jaundice. Yet, lately her sleep has seemed more fitful, and it’s hard to get her settled in the first place. I just don’t think I could do the cry it out method; she has too many health problems to ignore her.
She looks so angelic, doesn't she?
I was flipping through the music channels and was enjoying the alternative selections. That didn’t do much for Boop. I flipped back to the Big Band/Swing station. Wait a minute. I walked her around a bit, and she calmed down and took the A Train to sleepytown J. I got her to take a nap for about a half hour until Winnie woke her up barking. Then, she settled in again as I trotted around to Wham Re Bop Boom Bam. “She’s a killah dealah!” Whatever that means, but it seems appropriate to my restless 4 month old.

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