Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 22. 6-20-12

Dress from Aunt D, Photo by Aunt D
Here’s what’s happening at Week 22:

  • Boop turned 5 months old on Monday.
  • I'm struggling to keep up with her growing nails. She's able to get her thumb out enough to pinch when she's frustrated. Sharp little fingernails digging in make it feel that much worse. If only her hair grew as well as her nails.
  • We're working on all of those physical developmental milestones. The social ones don't seem to be much of a problem. She's a big talker and giggles a fair bit. But the sitting up and rolling over are still a bit lost. I was delayed on those sorts of things, too; so I'm not very worried. She's close to being able to sit, but she topples over to her right. And she can roll over from belly to back, but only if one of her arms is tucked under. She's lifting her head while on her belly, too.
  • I've lost some weight. It's coming off slowly, as it should. One of the oncology nurses in clinic saw me in the hallway and said, "You're really slimming down." I'm embarrassed that I feel so grateful to her for saying it, but my self-esteem needed a little boost. I still have 10-15 lbs to lose. That's not bad from 50 lbs, I guess. It's been 5 months. I think I will be able to lose more before the year is up.
  • We seem to be having more trouble with sleeping this week. I just don't know what is going on. We've lowered her formula in daycare, which is great. She's not spitting up near as much, she's not a zombie, and she does seem to be doing better overall. I may not be producing enough milk at bed time, but she's getting a couple of ounces of formula or breastmilk with her antibiotics and her cereal before bed. 

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