Thursday, June 14, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 21. 6-14-12

She's my little sunshine!

Here’s what’s happening at Week 21:
  • Boop will be 5 months old on Monday. We’ll start to see some big changes soon. She’s very close to being able to sit by herself, and she loves the Bumbo at daycare. She has a booster seat from Z that might work in the mean time until she can sit on her own. She’s getting better about holding things, and her thumbs are coming out more and more.
  • She finished her 1st big road trip with just Mommy and Winnie this week. 5+ hours on the road. We survived, but rear facing car seats are the pits for trying to soothe a screaming baby. She did better than I thought, but my nerves were still pretty frazzled. I’m glad she got to see family, though.
  • She’s adjusting better to daycare. We’ve put her on a feeding schedule, and it seems to be working pretty well. She’s napping well and less cranky at home. I’m seeing more of her smiles, which is nice.
  • My hair has stopped falling out in clumps. Work is happening; things are getting done. I’m starting to be able to get a few things done here and there around the house, and I can occasionally cook something other than a frozen dinner.  

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