Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mommy Instinct 6-18-12

Saturday was a bit of a break. I decided to go for it. A friend from baby yoga, S, invited me to her Summer Solstice party at their farm. I decided to go even though I had a fair bit of work on my plate. It was about an hour's drive deep into God's country. I'm sure there are more remote places, but this was pretty remote to be so nearby. Does that make sense? 

I parked in the vineyard as instructed and found the 1st round of S's friends from college. Boop and I went around to see the horses who came right up to my little one. Their heads were almost as big as Boop, and she was taking it all in. We got to see the hens and geese, too. When T and her little ones came, we all walked over to sample the blueberries on the bushes. I hadn't had enough lunch before coming; so it was a good snack. S showed us around the farmhouse and all of the work that they had done. She seemed so at peace with the place; everything was getting to where she wanted it. A, another yoga friend, came too with her little boy. There were lots of other folks whose names I have forgotten. My mind hangs around babies and baby things. 

And I met the daddies of the babies, and it was kind of a foreign thing. I just knew them as mommies and babies. I had heard about the daddies, but it was strange seeing them there. I watched the way they held their babies and how they related to each other, and I felt a bit like I was on a different planet. And then I thought, hm, Boop is going to miss this. I wonder what she will miss the most?

After we did some artwork (what they did looked more like artwork, I was more of a spectator), T asked, 'Is that H crying? Is he alone?' I did a quick glance to look. It was him, and he was. S had to run to the house to finish prepping for dinner. With that, Boop and I headed at a pretty good clip up the hill for him. As we got to the top of the hill, S had doubled back. We couldn't help but laugh. Of all of the people that were there (and there were a good number), it was Boop with me, followed by T with her little girl, and then A with her little boy came from a different direction. It was all mommies with babies swarming in to help little H. Mommy instinct, I guess.

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