Friday, June 8, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop's Week 20. 6-8-12

Here's what's happening at 20 Weeks Old:

  • Goodness Boop will be 5 months old in just over a week. It doesn't seem possible; well until I hold her in my arms. And then I sense the 'weight' of the situation. 
  • Speaking of weight, I think we are making some progress on a couple of fronts. One day, she had about 18 oz on top of me nursing her when I dropped her off and at lunch. The next morning, her lead teacher came to me with a schedule to figure out food. We cut her amount down and put her on a schedule. I won't say she's a perfect little angel, but it really has been a vast improvement.
  • No more high dose antibiotics. I still need to put her on her prophylactic antibiotics in the evenings. Hopefully, her body will calm down, getting rid of the diaper rash. One thing about it, diaper rash won't have a chance with all of her aunties around to wait on her hand and foot. 
  • I guess I never properly appreciated Count Basie, Ella, Rosemary, and the lot. A few jiggles around the floor, a few blaring horns, and Boop is out like a light. I'm loving Big Band and Swing music about now. 
  • And me. I'm getting sleep where I can, perpetually trying to keep my drains unplugged of hair. Being able to move in my kitchen is a big boon, and I've been venturing outside of food from a carton. I am waging a fruitless battle on trying to keep Boop's clothes from taking over my den.


  1. The key with the clothes issue is: 1 - hang everything on a couple of closet rods - that way you can see what you have and what matches/fits, etc.; 2 - find a friend/relative with a newborn to whom you can pass the clothes as soon as Boop's done (unless you are >90% sure that she'll have a female sibling in the next 3 years), keep a cardboard mailing box in the bottom of the closet, and as soon as you realize something doesn't fit/is out of season/or you just don't like it - put it in the box. When the box is full, take it to the post office ASAP (by the way, there's one waiting by my front door to be mailed to Boop, but it's been there so long that the one in the closet is again half full so I might as well put them together before I go to the P.O. Since my little gal is only now just over 22 lbs, this may be one of the last batches you get from us - I'll be expecting some hand-me-up's in the future ;) Love to you both

  2. Great advice! I'm putting things in plastic crates for the size below and the size above, but sizes are never really consistent. A future sibling is very much undecided, but Mother Nature may make that decision for me. Yep, Boop is large and in charge, and we'll trade notes about size ;)
