Saturday, June 2, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 19. 6-2-12

Future Boop: “Mommy, why does this week look so different?”

Grandma holding Boop while Mommy shoveled it in!
Me: “Oh mercy, Boop, that was the week you had an ear infection and a UTI at the same time. You were taking antibiotics, and you did not like them AT ALL. Then, you got diarrhea and a nasty diaper rash and were just generally miserable and fussy. You weren’t sleeping, and neither was Mommy. And she was fighting a flare up of some health issues of her own. Mommy was also struggling to get the floor refinished after some contractor almost ruined them. We had furniture and boxes crammed everywhere. Mommy was too nervous to try and manage you and Winnie at a hotel; so she had a fair bit of maneuvering to try to stay at home. She was also a bit short on help, as the timing of everything was out of whack. It was a heck of a week! But more importantly, you got your first rice cereal, which you loved, loved, loved, and Mommy taught you the Freddie—‘I’m telling you now...’”
From YouTube... Is that Annette Funicello with Frankie Avalon?

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