Monday, December 31, 2012

Indecision: 12 Months. 12-30-12

Christmas toy from Aunt S

It won’t be long until Boop is one year old. I’m having a bit of trouble trying to figure out what to do for her birthday, who to invite, when to have it. Mom wants me to have it while she’s in town, which will be about a week early. It’s a bit strange because all of my early birthdays were spent with family, or people my parents knew long enough to feel like family. And I feel a bit like I’m somehow imposing by asking people I haven’t known for very long to come to her birthday, and people may feel like I’m asking for gifts. That’s not it at all, and I wish there were some polite way to request for folks not to worry about bringing presents. Those requests never go very well, always end up awkward. There are the folks who bring presents anyway who make those who don’t bring presents feel uncomfortable, and then there is the presumption when making such a request that folks would have brought gifts, which isn’t good, either.

Eyes closed, just like her momma

Then, there’s the issue of having folks to the house. The house is a wreck from Christmas, along with my many incomplete renovation projects.  My helpers will probably be out of town until after Boop’s birthday as classes don’t start for a while. I won’t be able to do any work on the house for a few days due to travel, with Mom and Boop being here. So, I will have a fair bit of stuff to do when I return from travels. Maybe I’ll find someone that can help me get the house ready. Although a bit pricey, my best bet is probably to get trays or catering or something along those lines. Of course, then, we just need folks to show up to eat. 

Friday, December 28, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop's Week 49. 12-28-12

Here's what's happening at Boop's week 49:
  • I didn't forget last week. It's still on my laptop. My laptop is at my mom's. My mom lives 7 hours away. So, I will wait to post week 48 when I get it.
  • The big news is that Boop took her first steps a few days ago. And like most working parents, I didn't see it happen. The moronic thing is that I was right there when she did it, but I was working on something else and didn't look up in time. She took 3 steps. Grandma made her mad, and she did it out of spite. It scared Boop when she realized that she was walking unsupported and proceeded to flop down and cry for momma.
  • Other big news: Boop has tooth number 3. It's a top one, and the one right next to it is close behind. And she's eating just about everything in sight. Of all things, she likes hummus on bread, and the fact that it was spinach artichoke dip was just fine, too. She scares me because she gets choked. She still isn't able to chew very well. Her favorite words now are ma-ma-ma-ma-ma and num-num-num (like yum-yum, meaning I want food). 
  • Winnie still has a UTI in spite of antibiotics and changing food. She still is having accidents in the house, and she still is getting me up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I took her to my aunt D's vet when we were in town, and she tried to help us.
  • And me. Is it okay to admit that being at work is more restful than being at home? There are so few people around at the office to disturb me, especially with most students being away. Boop is a very busy girl, and I guess it is helping me stay in better shape. However, between the baby and the dog, I just don't feel like I get a chance to rest. I know this will not improve in the immediate future, as Boop will be walking soon.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

We hope you have a very merry Christmas! We've had a great day, and Mom is close to home now. Hopefully, she'll make it home safely and find my laptop waiting there, which means all photos and such <cell phone recharger :( > are there with it. I got a new camera and will try to figure out how to post soon.
Here's a photo from J. Boop is good at openning packages :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Few Thoughts. 12-16-12

I guess everyone is weighing in on the shootings in CT; so I might as well. It’s amazing these things keep happening, and no one is doing anything meaningful to prevent it. As far as the deaths of innocent children, it really isn’t sinking in. Maybe I’m trying to distance myself from the events because I have to leave my daughter at daycare, and it won’t be long before she’s starting school.

I never thought much about having guns until one of the guys during my study abroad in London was marveling about the types of guns Americans are allowed to have and the ease of procuring one. That was long before these crazies started taking these attack weapons to school and mowing down innocent people. My Paw-Paw had some nice rifles and pistols, but they required skill to use. He lived in the country <rural area>, and life was different there. Several of my uncles/cousins hunt and have farms. If they owned the weapons that were used against those children, I would recommend they have their heads examined.

I hear a lot of kick back from people about the Bill of Rights and our constitutional right to bear arms, but I don’t think the forefathers ever imagined the situation we’re in with the types of guns that are available and the ease of obtaining them. And I also hear people ardently defend people that hunt. Well, I’m sorry. If you need a rifle that can rapidly fire 30 rounds without reloading to shoot a deer, you SUCK as a hunter. You might as well give up.  

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Ginger Girl. 12-15-12

I am sure I visibly flinched. Apparently, her infant class has done it for a few years now. One of Boop's teachers sent us home with a poster board cut-out of a gingerbread boy. We were supposed to decorate it and write a Christmas tradition on it. First thought: when am I going to have time for this? Second thought: she's not even a year old; we don't have Christmas traditions, yet. Nonetheless, this is what I came up with:

"We have Christmaspalooza, going from house to house, doing this and that. The things we enjoy the most involve being around family. Christmas at my dad’s aunt D’s was always a highlight. She had a present for everyone; although there might be 70+ folks that night. After we gorged ourselves, it was time to open packages. D would assume her spot on her little stool by the tree and begin handing out the packages in order by age, the youngest first. D is over 90 now, and each Christmas we have with her is a gift. I hope Boop will have the opportunity to sit in eager anticipation at Aunt D’s feet for many years to come."   

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 47. 12-12-12

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s week 47:

  • Winnie seems to have another UTI. I took her to the vet on Saturday just for a urine dipstick. Ended up having to pay another $82! Those are some expensive kidneys on Miss Winnie. They should be gilded in gold by now.
  • I’m within 3 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight from my physical. I’m less than the weight right before I got pregnant.  I think losing 5 lbs would be great, just need time to do proper exercise; although chasing after a toddler is pretty good exercise. It still freaks me out to have that skin kind of hang there when I lay on my side; looks like crunches are in my future.
  • Heard a great quote, from some French guy writer, no less: “I spent the morning putting a comma in, and I spent the afternoon taking it out.” That pretty much describes how I feel about my work.
  • Boop was trying to offer Winnie some of her teething cookies, and Winnie was happy to oblige. Had to put the kibosh on that and keep an eye on things in the future. Boop has not been eating or nursing very well lately. I just need to get her back on track. Thankfully, we seem to have gotten over it.
  • This last grant was a bear. We’re just starting to recover. We had a naked tree for a couple of weeks. At least I got the lights on last night. Maybe I’ll be able to get more soon. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Cards. 12-2-12

I tried to write out a few Christmas cards today. My card list is *very* limited because I simply don’t have the time or energy with busy Boop and grants due. So, I had a few photos to include, and I had to hunt down a few addresses. Oh my goodness! It was a bit like wrestling a monkey, I think. There were hands and feet everywhere, grabbing and kicking. I tried to nurse Boop, which usually gives me a little time, but the distraction of the paper everywhere was too much for her.
Boop with a present from Ireland. Thanks!
She loves to eat paper. I’m not sure if she really means to eat it, but she likes to suck on it and chew it. Every little thing she finds goes into her mouth, and when I see her chewing, I know I need to do a quick finger sweep of her mouth. Unfortunately, I have found paper in there more often than I like.  And so, I really didn’t want the cards and envelopes to be a casualty. I wound up having to put her on the floor and pushing everything just out of her reach. Everything survived, except my handwriting. Not so hot to start with, but grabbing hands and bumping feet made for a very shaky hand. I just hope the USPS can figure out the addresses. I’m sure the recipients will either deduce it’s from someone with Parkinson’s (can’t think of anyone in the family with Parkinson’s) or their relation with a busy Boop. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Here Comes Santa. 12-1-12

I couldn’t resist the Little People Disney Princess Songs Palace. I loved Little People when I was little. I had tons of them. My faves were the Little People Farm and the A Frame House. I had Little People car and the Little People Family Dog.

But the party ended during a trip to my Paw Paw’s. I had left many of them in the little bedroom at his house. When I went one weekend and looked in the room, they were all gone. Someone took them. I don’t know how much Paw Paw knew about it. I’m sure he didn’t anticipate my total devastation; it was not a happy weekend. I should still have the Little People Sesame Street downstairs somewhere. I looked for it last time I was home, but I couldn’t get to it. I hope Boop will be able to enjoy it. It’s so cool with a little merry-go-round and a wild slide. You see where this is heading. Boop won’t have to twist my arm to get me to play with her.

The new Little People aren’t as little. The old Little People required some imagination, as they were pretty much glorified old fashioned clothes pins/curvy pegs. The new Little People have proper arms and legs, and the Princess Songs Palace even allows the princesses to talk. Mom found a few Little People things at the store a few weeks ago. And I ordered a garage in the crazy cyber sales. I hope she enjoys them as much as I did.

A few months ago, I was lamenting to Mom the loss of the Weebles. I couldn’t figure out why they quit making them. My fave was the Weebles Mickey Mouse club. Well, I went out to get a few presents today and guess what I saw: WEEBLES! Granted there weren’t very many, and they didn’t come in any sort of set. But they were Weebles. The new ones are also bigger than the old Weebles. <Maybe some sort of choking hazard or something with the originals?> Of course, I had to get them. Now, Boop’s Christmas is complete.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Did I mention that she's into EVERYTHING?!?

What's wrong with this picture?
Note: Puffs, Socks, Dog Food Bowl, Baby Doll, etc.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 46. 12-5-12

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s week 46:
Thanksgiving (no alcohol) eggnog at Aunt D's
  • What a week! Thank heavens for babysitters. L came for a couple hours on Monday and Tuesday to look after Boop while I tried to get ready for class in the next room. I’m still swamped with grants. It seems like I’ve submitted 3 or 4 in the past month. Unfortunately, manuscripts are stalling.
  • It's been one illness after another for the past almost 3 weeks. Boop then me then Boop. Boop's last bout was about 9pm last night, and it went all over things.
  • I’m trying to sort out all of the changes that will happen in mid-January. Boop will turn 1 year old and will transition to a new daycare class. In that class, they eat solid food and have much more of a regimen. No bottles. I start teaching my new class. And I’m debating about weaning. Although I love to come and visit Boop and nurse at lunch, I probably need to phase that out, too. I think she’ll do alright with weaning during the day, but it will be really hard to eliminate those night feedings.
  • Winnie is feeling better, but I think she may have another UTI. She’s still picking. I guess I’ll have to go to the Vet this weekend and have them check her. Fingers crossed, she’s okay. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Return Again. 11-26-12

I didn't fall off the planet, but it felt that way. Travel with a 10 month old is pretty stressful. The car rides are very unpleasant. Then, we both got some kind of sinus thing (and later some kind of GI thing). Not sure if it was viral or allergies, or both. There's something at Mom's house that I'm allergic to. 
Thanksgiving Day, getting food ready to take to Aunt D's

Then, there's the added stress of having a very active 10 month old in areas that aren't baby-proofed. I don't think Mom was really ready for us. She hadn't seen Boop in a month; so she was not prepared for the busy little girl that came to visit. Plus, I think Mom and I have very different parenting philosophies. I'm closer to one end of the spectrum, while Mom is closer to the other. Here's the punch line in most of our conversations: Me: "I think we should throw it out/get rid of it." Mom: "Aw, it's fine/<food> it's not hurt/<stuff> I'll take it." 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Motor Voter. 11-11-12

My job lets me off for the day to be sure to vote. It’s nice. A little extra time off that I really needed. Unfortunately, I still needed the time to prep for class, and it’s a bit difficult to get much done with Boop at home.

Knowing I would be off for the day, I scheduled Boop for the pediatrician. It was at 10am; so I figured I would get ready and try to vote beforehand. Well, that didn’t work out too well. It always takes us longer to get ready than I plan. So, we had about 15 min. to vote. It took me that long to get into the polling place <they really did a poor job of marking the entrance>. Then, there was a line; so we decided to go on to the pediatrician. Afterwards, I went to the grocery and to get gas; so it was after lunch before we got back.

Fortunately, the line was much shorter by then. We had to wait about a half hour to vote. Boop was getting pretty heavy by that time. Folks in the line helped to entertain her. She was mistaken for a boy more than once. I had her in her zebra costume. I figured I would try to get another  wear out of her outfit. Someday, Boop will look back at these things and will no doubt be annoyed, ‘Mom, why didn’t you dress me like a little girl?’ I wouldn’t be doing my job if my daughter wasn’t annoyed with me. I’m just getting some early practice in.  More than one person also asked about her voting. It will happen soon enough. She’s already into everything.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop's Week 45. 11-29-12

Here's what's happening at Boop's week 45:

  • Winnie has recovered from surgery, but she's started picking at herself again. I'm worried she has another UTI. She's had a few accidents in the house. I'm trying to train her (read: BRIBE her) to go outside again. We'll see how it goes.
  • Boop and I both have been feeling really lousy. Boop's upchucking was the crowning glory of a hectic Thanksgiving day. Maybe I can find the time to unpack all of the things in my head that happened during our travel, but I'm still trying to sort some things out. I spent Monday night praying to the porcelain god. No sooner did my eyes drift off, until they were bolted awake with a run to the bathroom. Mercy. If Boop felt half as bad, I feel really sorry for her. Boop had a very long night last night. She wanted to nurse and nurse and nurse.
  • I'm not much good as a Mommy these days. No sleep, plus looming deadlines. We made the trek to the Big City hospital and survived today, but I was pretty keyed up. My brain is a little scrambled. Another grant deadline before Christmas. What a crappy time to be sick! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Three in the Bed... 11-11-12

…and Little Boop said, “Roll over, roll over!” So, they all rolled over and Mommy fell off. Two in the bed and Little Boop said, “Roll over, roll over!” So, they all rolled over and Winnie fell off.  That’s our version of the song.

Winnie usually wants to get under the covers about 3 or 4am. This morning, a queen sized bed, all 3 of us were on half of the bed—my half of the bed. Part of it is the pillow top that didn’t stand up very well. I got it almost 3 years ago from Sears and paid enough for it to be a good one, but the pillow top broke down in less than 2 years. So, me being the heaviest, everyone rolls to me.

But, that’s not the full story. Winnie is a heat seeker; thus, waking up cold early in the morning brings her closer to me. Plus, she likes to sleep rear end to rear end. Maybe some adaptive thing for dogs in the wild? I don’t know. So, she’s right there. I’ve gotten used to that after 10 years; although I must admit it’s nice when my mom visits. Winnie will go sleep with her.

Then, Boop is seeking milk. It’s a strange sight, I’m sure. Winnie trying to position herself near both of our rear ends.  Boop is only interested in my top half—well, really just milk. So, we’re all huddled together. I imagine that it’s much more comfortable for them than me because if I move away, there is usually a loud protest. Then, everyone finds me again.  

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hold the Phone. 11-11-12

Of all of the toys that Boop has, and she has a lot, there are 3 things that she can’t get enough of: my netbook, the TV remote control, and my cell phone. That’s a little sad, but she’s a different generation. She’ll be starting on computers at a much younger age. She already has play laptops, but she doesn’t realize they are supposed to be like mine but more fun. The remote is even better than the laptop. I caught her the other day, sitting on the futon, pointing the remote at the TV and mashing down the channel change button. She already knows. I thought she would be scared of it after she accidentally maxed out the volume one day, which left her shrieking for me. But it didn’t faze her. She still grabs for it.
Little Cindy Lou Who?? Or one of the Whos in Whoville...
Her favorite is the cell phone. It’s a flip-phone, and it’s just the right flatness to fit well in her mouth for teething. I have to keep wiping it down to try to cut down on some of the germs. Every time I pick it up, it’s dripping with her drool. She especially loves it when there’s sound coming out of it, like Grandma’s voice. It’s irresistible to her, and she has just started to figure out that she needs to talk into it. It’s all fun and games until it winds up getting closed, SNAP. Then, I have to call Mom back. Mom’s gotten used to it by now. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 43. 11-15-12

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s week 43:
  • Well, Winnie made it through surgery. So glad it’s over, now I just need to try to keep her straight. She does not want to be still. She couldn’t sleep or rest; so I took her cone off her head. I’m trying to keep her from picking at her stitches. And she’s wanting to jump up on everything in spite of her surgery. It’s hard to keep her still.
  • Boop is almost 10 months old! I can’t believe it. She is rambunctious, but thankfully, she isn’t falling quite as much. She gets where she wants to go for the most part, but that doesn’t keep her from wanting me to carry her everywhere. She is just chock full of separation anxiety, or maybe she’s a bit spoiled, or maybe it’s a little of both.
  • I couldn’t find a babysitter for the concert I wanted to see. It was pretty low key (and low decibel). So, I decided to go ahead and take her with me. She loves to hear me sing; so I figured it was worth a shot. For the most part, she did great. She conked out during the second show. Admittedly, I was more tuned into Boop than to the concert, but it was good. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Go-Go-Go! 11-6-12

I already knew it when I was carrying her. Boop is a busy girl. But, I never expected her next words after Ma-Ma: “Go, go, go, go!” With her being around the 90th%ile for height and weight, you might think it would be something like “Food.”
A rare moment of calm...
When I heard it one weekend, I wasn’t sure I was really hearing what I thought I was. The next Monday, her teacher filled me in. The two older kids can walk alright on their own. So when those two are finished with lunch, the teachers help them down from the high chair and help them to walk away from the feeding area saying, “Go, go, go…” I don’t think the older kids say it very much, but for little Boop, it’s like a mantra and a motto.

So, Boop is knocking and banging around quite a lot, and unfortunately some of that banging involves her head <wince> <heart stop>. I just imagine her risk of Parkinson’s disease going up exponentially each time she takes a spill. Not sure if that’s a real risk factor (falls as an infant), but it can’t be good. I’m thankful that each time she falls, she whimpers and wants Mommy, but then she goes right back at it.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Halloween-ish. 11-2-12

Hurricane Sandy resulted in Halloween cancellations; although it wasn't that awful outside. Rain is rain, and it's unavoidable in October. Plus, it's on the cold side. Colder than usual, but it shouldn't be unexpected. So the cancellations surprised me a bit. I was beat on Halloween night. Morning meeting, late class, upset Boop. It wound up pretty similar for Thursday, the new night for Trick-or-Treating, with us rushing around. Boop was unhappy, but I was determined that she would get to go trick-or-treating.

I stuck her Tigger outfit on her, as that would allow for layering underneath. She looked a bit like the little boy in the Christmas Story, all bundled up and barely able to move. I decided I would carry her around the block and leave Winnie behind. I was hoping that we could make a quick trip around and get back in time to hand out candy. We met several of our neighbors, a few people that recently moved in to the neighborhood. Only a couple really knew us; so we heard a few, 'What a cute little boy!'s. I just smiled. Not worth correcting them at this point. I met a little lamb, with a ferocious baaa! I feel some kindred to him as Boop now owns a few of his clothes and toys after a yard sale this past summer. At the age of about 3, he kept putting candy in Boop's trick-or-treat bowl. It's nice to know that my neighbors give good candy and aren't skimpy. That must explain why we seem to import so many people into our neighborhood for trick-or-treating. 

I was prepared this year for the trick-or-treaters, and Winnie was totally at her element. I think I had about 200 pieces of candy. I gave most kids 2-3 pieces. We only gave out candy for about an hour, and we went through about half of the stash--so what is that, about 30-50 kids? The remaining candy will be distributed to my students; although Mom has asserted her claims to the mini chocolate bars. The little bit of candy that Boop collected will also be given to the students, as I explained to folks as we were trick-or-treating. I didn't want them to think I was being too greedy. What I didn't mention was the age of my students ;) So next year, Boop will be more prepared for Halloween and get to reap more of the benefits!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 42. 11-7-12

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s week 42:
Thanks M and E for the cute ladybug costume.
We wore it on Halloween night!
  • Boop had her 9 month appointment—2 weeks late. She was at the 85th-90th %ile on everything. She’s 2 weeks older than 9 months, but I don’t think that would put her in a much lower %ile. When the ped walked in, she raised her eyebrows and said, ‘9 months? She’s a big girl.’ The doctor also set her up to see the pediatric urologist out of state. I think everything will be fine, but it’s nice to just run everything by another doctor after the confusion in the hospital with the fever.
  • Winnie finally seems to have turned the corner. She’s perky and more interactive. She’s starting to go outside without me taking her. She hasn’t peed in the house in a few days that I can tell. I’m still coming home at lunch and taking her out before I go to nurse Boop. It’s getting old; so hopefully, she’ll go back to be able to hold it during the day. 
  • I went to see my dentist on Tuesday. Glad it’s over. Haven’t been flossing, and it was ugggggly. I did get lots of tips on infants. They gave me a kiddie toothpaste and toothbrush, but she already had a baby toothbrush. I also found out that it will be $3000-$5000 for Invisalign, the clear braces. Urgh. And I don’t have the insurance that will cover a portion of them. If I change my insurance, I won’t be able to get them until next year.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What a Difference 10-28-12

Today has been calm, but yesterday was a mess. We got out at about 10am to go look for toys for my cousins.  There was supposed to be a sale, but unfortunately, I had the wrong day. Then, I went to Lowes to pick up some door knobs and wound up with some other stuff, too. I found some things for baby proofing, but I don’t know if I’m going to keep it all.
Sandy came for a visit <see snow in background>... Boop is not too thrilled
Then, we went on to Wally World. Normally, I would have just gone on home, but I was supposed to meet someone from craigslist who wanted to buy some of Boop’s old swaddlers. I had also pulled some other clothes and things together in case she wanted those. After the last fiasco with Mom playing mediator, I gave the woman my phone number. While running errands, she texted me a few times. Once, she texted to say that she was only interested in the clothes. Then, she texted to say that she wasn’t interested in the clothes <after I had already packed them, urgh!>, just the swaddlers, that her boyfriend was coming. This made me a little nervous, but at least we were meeting in a very public place.

Boop missed her nap. I made a quick trip through Wally World, and I made it out by noon, when we were supposed to meet. We were parked up front, and the police were there giving child car seat checks. So I texted the woman at 12:07 to say where we were. About 12:15, she texted to say that she couldn’t reach her boyfriend. With that, we went over to the car seat inspection station and asked the police to fix her car seat positioning. Boop was screaming, poor thing. Stuck in her car seat, it was chilly; she had a wet diaper and was hungry. At 12:30, no sign of craigslist boyfriend or the woman, I texted her to tell her I was leaving. Never heard another word. Knowing folks here, it’s very, very unlikely that anything happened to him. I can only be reassured that karma will put her in a similar situation. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Izat You, Girdle? 10-27-2012

My dermatologist had a little boy recently. She’s a bit more particular about her looks than most doctors I know, but I think that may be a dermatologist thing. I complimented her on how well she had trimmed down already. She whispered to me, ‘Spanx!’ I’ve heard of these things. Foundational garments always bring to mind the scene in Gone with the Wind where Mammy is practically strangling Scarlett with that corset. “Tighter, tighter!”
Boop as Minnie Mouse

It seems miserable. I’ve never really had much desire. But I saw a pair of the undies on sale on Zulily, and I thought I would give it a shot. Well, probably easier than lipo… I’ll stop there.  So, I put them in my virtual cart along with some Christmas finger puppets for Cecilly. This past week, they <I’m debating about whether a pair of undies should be singular or plural. Neither looks right.> finally came in this past week.

I figured I’d try them on as there wasn’t much going on, and if I didn’t like them, I didn’t have to wear them for very long. Hm. Well, I hardly got them on before I took them right back off. Wow, they were bad! Why? I don’t get it. Why not walk over hot coals barefoot instead? So, that was the end of my relationship with a foundational garment. I want to do something with them, but I have no idea what.  

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lap bandit 10-26-12

Boop in her outfit from Aunt R and Uncle J

Boop is cracking me up. She is having a heck of a time with stranger danger and separation anxiety. It's getting better now that she can move a bit, but it's the age. Hopefully, things will calm down when she starts walking and can follow me everywhere. Not-so-funny, Boop's teachers are stressed out because of the amount of turn-over and being short staffed. They said that there were going to be 9 new people starting with infants next week. Yesterday, a new person came into the room as a substitute, and Boop lost it. Not sure if that was the true root cause, or not, but it was about 7:30pm (after being home for a couple of hours) until she really calmed down. This morning her teachers were saying that their lunch substitute for today has never fed a baby before. Gee, that's reassuring--uh, no.

So, none of this is funny, and I should get to the point of the funny, clingy part. When I started writing this, I had just looked at Boop's photo from the farm where she had been playing in the corn, with the extreme close up. Boop may not be able to walk or crawl very well, but she can dern well find my lap and crawl into it, and lickety-split, I might add. She is fast. She sees that I'm about to make a motion to stand up, and suddenly, she has a firm grip on my legs. Then, her face is in mine. I'm immobilized. I can't help but laugh at being outsmarted by a 9 month old. As she gets older, I hope she uses her power for good, rather than evil!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop's Week 41. 11-1-12

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s week 41:
  • Boop is toddling along. She needs my help to walk, but she loves to stand and hold onto things. Bless her heart, she's had some unfortunate spills. This morning, she was crawling and ran smack dab into the edge of the opening for the door. 
  • She's starting to drink water out of her sippy cup. Sleep is still a problem, and she's not very good at self-soothing. One of her little tricks is that she crawls into my lap faster than I can stand up, and then she's like an octopus. So, clingy! I try to encourage her that she'll be okay while I'm in the next room, but she's not at all convinced.
  • Winnie isn't doing great with the UTI. I need to take her urine back in for a check. Hopefully, I can go on Saturday. She's been on antibiotics for almost 2 weeks, and she's still peeing on the floor. Mercy Sandy, and all of the rain. I've had to carry her out to the grass to make sure she goes to the bathroom. Sometimes, I can't get her to budge from her crate, and she about bites my hand off if I try to get her.  It's not been an easy time. I don't know what we're going to do, but this doesn't seem to be working.
  • I'm doing a little better at keeping up with the house and cooking. This morning, I got up around 5:30am and finished a load of laundry. We're still cloth diapering with the service, but the tricky part is that she needs a diaper cover for every diaper at daycare. Then, of course, she has to have a fresh sheet every day. And she can easily go through 3 outfits in a day. So I wind up doing a lot of laundry. 
  • I'm also washing a lot of toys. She loves to play with her toys. Like me when I was little and like every other little one, one of her favorite activities is to pull out every last thing in her toy boxes. I try to keep Winnie away from Boop's toys and Boop away from Winnie's toys with some success.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Can’t Stay There. 10-14-12

A friend had sent me a note about a Liam Finn concert in Nashville. No matter how much I tried to get it to work, it came down to two issues: harassing Boop in the car or flying. Bless her heart, these long trips in the car seat are sheer torture for her. And the option of flying still will involve a pretty good drive to the airport, then the cost of the plane ticket, a dogsitter, etc.  It would have also been nice to meet up with my Mom and her sisters for a long weekend vacay a few hours away. I just couldn’t get it to work.

Happy Halloween! from Mommy's 'Lil Pumpkin and me
And then another scare with a high temp for Boop. It was still early enough to run to Urgent Care and not have to go to the ER. We got right in, they did a cath and checked her ears. Fortunately, everything looked good. Probably a virus she picked up from one of the kids from daycare or from the event at S’s farm on Saturday. Such a relief. So, we came home, and I gave her some Motrin. She’s sleeping, now, thank goodness, something she hasn’t been able to do all day!

All of this made me think about things I shouldn’t think about. My little munchkin, how attached I am. God forbid anything happen to her. Although she’s turned my life upside down, I wouldn’t have it any other way. What would I do without her? What if something awful should happen? I think about the stairs, about her trying to stand on the marble floors, about… Best not to stay there.  A million things could happen.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

New Kitchen. 10-18-12

Well, my kitchen is near being complete after a couple of years. A friend of A’s at work told me about her friend that does odd jobs. Mainly, I needed the trim work done. The trim I want for around my counters is in a different state; so that needs to be done, but otherwise, the trim is almost done. I’m going to need to caulk and paint/repaint some, and install the door knobs. I was concerned about Boop and the pantry. I was just imagining a can of corn falling on her head. The work wasn’t without a few bumps in the road. The contractor had decided that I wanted folding doors, which I definitely didn’t want. The original person who did the work had offered to put them in for free, but I knew I didn’t want those. Now especially with the baby, I was imagining her fingers getting squished and pinched.

This was all happening in the backdrop of trying to get my grant out. It finally went in to the university on Thursday. I still have a few minor things left to do, but I’ve met my deadlines. It’s due at the agency on the 25th. All told, I think I got 8 or 10 hours of sleep in the last 3 nights before the grant was due. Fortunately, I was able to find sitters to help me out. Now, I’m just trying to get caught up on my other work and stuff around the house. There’s still some trim work in the kitchen; so I’ll wait till then before trying to wrap up.

And then, there was another kitchen I needed to worry about: Boop’s. I was thinking I would get her a kitchen NEXT Christmas, but someone had one for sale on a Facebook mommy group. It was a decent price, local, and easy—except that I was trying to coordinate it in the midst of grant and remodeling. The woman delivered it to my house. I don’t know whether I should cover it with a sheet to ‘hide’ it from her. She can’t exactly use it, yet. She can’t even stand up, but it’s coming.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Down on the Farm. 10-17-12

Poor Boop was having such a rough morning. She couldn’t stay down for her nap. I had a million things to do to get ready. I wasn’t having much luck with some type of cookie or goodie to exchange. When you’re lactose intolerant, you always have to be wary of these sorts of events, or else be prepared to be sick. A doesn’t eat wheat—not sure if it’s Celiac’s disease, wheat allergy or just preference—so she wasn’t planning to make cookies. I should have done the same. I found a cute, Halloweeny cookie recipes for Monster’s Toes and They weren’t classically ‘good’ or ‘edible’ in the traditional sense, but they were festive. I thought they would be cute for kids, but of course, it was mostly a baby event. I got humus and carrots and pita to take as a snack, but it was so late by the time we got there that most folks had already eaten.

Boop was doing much better by the time we got there. I reclined her in her car seat, and she slept most of the way to S’s farm, a nice 45 min. nap. The colors were awesome on the drive;  I love this time of the year. When we got there, we toured around to see the new additions: more chickens and ducks, a new calf and another horse.  The horse let Boop touch his nose, which cracked Boop up!  Then, Boop went to play in the corn. Such a clever idea: they used corn instead of sand for the little ones to play in. Boop mostly just wanted to chew on the wooden spoon, though. After a while, we went on a hayride, and I wound up with Boop on one knee and a 2 year old girl, on the other. After looking around, I guessed her mommy wasn’t able to join us, but I had an extra knee.
Boop playing in the corn. She went as Tigger, but it was too warm by the  afternoon.

Before heading out, I tried some of the kombucha. I didn’t realize it was made with tea. I was concerned that the caffeine might pose problems, but after watching Boop sleep all of the way home, I figured we were okay!  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 40. 10-24-12

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s week 40:
Grandma, save something for Santa!
  • Winnie had another appointment with the vet last weekend. Apparently, the first course of antibiotics didn’t wipe out the UTI. Thankfully, all of her blood work came back normal. She has to take 3 weeks of antibiotics, now. It was hard enough to get her take one!
  • Boop is getting into EV-ERY-THING! She’s getting very quick with the army crawl. She can cover a fair bit of ground in very short time, and she is climbing anything she can find. Batten down the hatches! She also doesn’t want me out of her sight. She gives the most pathetic cry when I try to sit her down for a few seconds.
  • Two teeth. They are finally coming in. And so we’re experimenting with food. I got her some of the little banana puffs, and she was just able to coordinate her hand and mouth tonight. We also go her some of the jars of chicken with veggies (level 2). She seemed to tolerate it pretty well.
  • My grant went out on Monday, thank goodness. Today was my late day with class. Now I have little break to get caught up for a few days. I meet about the next grant on Monday. One of my classes finished on Monday. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Blur Week. 10-14-12

Hm. Blur Week. I wish that meant that I had seen Blur this past week—Parklife!--, but unfortunately, it’s more a statement of the chaos. I’ll be so glad when one of my classes is over.  Plus, I have a grant due next week. Plus, I had to give a talk this week. Plus, I have to give a talk next week. It never ends. I was also trying to come to the house before or after I nursed Boop to make sure Winnie got a chance to go out. Thankfully, Winnie is having fewer and fewer accidents in the house. I haven’t seen any in the bed for several days. That was the pits, constantly having to strip down the beds and wash everything. I’ve got one more load of blankets to do, but I’m through with most of the laundry from that time. I had hoped that I would get a chance to wash the futon cover at the Laundromat, but that may need to wait for Mom to come back.

Boop has been doing pretty well. I know it’s tough on her when I have to change her schedule, especially stay late. I remember being on the second run of the bus and having to stay behind while all of the other kids left school, and I was even older. Fortunately, Boop is fairly adaptable about these things. Our reduced formula has been working out pretty well. They give her an extra bottle on my late days, and that seems to help her make it until I get to daycare. I keep telling myself it won’t be much longer until my classes slack up, and Boop won’t be nursing so much for much longer. She’s nearly 9 months old. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Experiencing Fall. 10-14-12

So, after our trip to the play area with S and A and their little boys, I realized it wasn’t far from the rib place that Mom likes. She had requested it, which was a shock. So, we zigzagged the windy road to the restaurant in a nearby town. The place was empty, thankfully, as I am never sure how Boop will act. She did just fine until we about finished eating, and then I had to take her out to nurse her.

Mom hadn’t been to the national park nearby. I was so excited about the prospects of beautiful fall color. She wasn’t enthused about going, but I talked her into it. It was only about 15 min. from the rib place; so it made sense to go then. As we climbed up in altitude, things were still pretty green, which surprised me. However, there was enough change in color to know it was fall. I really don’t like the scenery as much when it is considered ‘peak’ anyway, as there are so many empty trees.

Even though they had predicted rain, the weather was lovely and sunny and just a bit cool. We managed to find a parking space reasonably close to the scenic overlook. I think Mom was really surprised. Well, I don’t think, I know she was surprised because she said, “I’m really surprised.” She enjoyed our time there but was a bit sad that her back and joint issues prevented her from exploring some of the trails. Boop was sleeping most of the time, but perked up and had a look around at the end. She had just been there a few weeks ago; so I wasn’t so concerned about her seeing everything.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Wired. 10-9-12

My mind is humming, and I can’t go to sleep. I’m exhausted. I’m feeling a bit moody. Winnie got up 3 times last night to go to potty outside. Although I’m glad she didn’t use the floor as her toilet, I do wish she could hold it a bit longer. And then on top of that, Boop still wants to nurse every hour or two at night. Then, she starts to cluster feed starting about 4am.

And work is intense. I have a talk at a conference on Friday, leading 2 classes per week, a grant due. Other reviews and such are hanging out there to be done. Then, tonight I got a couple of work emails about things going awry. I’m so thankful that my helper came over to babysit for a couple of hours. I was able to get some of my reading done for class tomorrow, even though it was a bit noisy hanging around. I feel a bit stuck.

It freaked me out that when I went to the daycare to nurse Boop at lunch, that it took me a minute to realize that she was sitting right in front me. Goodness, don’t I recognize my own child? She seems to be doing okay in spite of my stress. I should take consolation in that. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Boop is 9 Months Old Today!! 10-18-12

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 39. 10-18-12

My fave photo from S's farm last weekend
Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s week 39:
  • Winnie has been much better about going outside to the bathroom. She finished her antibiotics. The scratching, biting and licking is still with us. I need to find out what was giving her those 3 days that decreased those behaviors so much. I hope we aren’t dealing with bigger kidney problems. We need to follow up this weekend.
  • Boop’s tooth is really starting show. Her hair looks more blonde, and it’s coming in with loose curls. I love her little cheeks, which is only complemented by her little smiles. Is it wrong of me to enjoy all of the folks who make silly faces and such on our trips through Wally World? An older woman was tooling around in her motorized vehicle and found us in the baby food section. It’s all fine, but you know, there’s always that little fear about the crazies out there. 
  • As far as development, Boop is really starting to get in the groove. When the music starts/someone starts singing, she starts to dance in her seat. She is pulling up a lot and falling a lot <gasp>. Fortunately, no terrible injuries, yet.
  • I will feel much better when my grant is in the hands of the NIH. It is making it's way through the internal routing system, mostly out of my hands. This was a tough one on us. I was fortunate to find babysitters to help me get some work done in the evenings/weekends. I can do small things at home with Boop on my own, but I just can’t manage the more intense stuff. It’s not fair to her, either. So, now, I need to try to get back on track with the house and all of the other work I’ve been putting off. Maybe I’ll be able to sleep and go to the grocery: the luxury! 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Baby about Town. 10-6-12

Up at the crack of dawn. If it’s a sale, we’re motivated. There was a large consignment sale. I had gone earlier in the week when there was a lot more stuff. It was pretty slim pickin’s by the time we went back, but it was half off. So, we had to try. We found a few little things. We found Boop a Dora the Explorer tub toy with Diego. It’s too big for her little tub; so I may have to try her in the regular tub to see how she does.

After our adventure, I dropped Mom and the baby off at the house and took Winnie to the vet. Fortunately, the guy there was able to manage to get a container under Winnie while she was using the bathroom. When the vet came in, he said she had a UTI. Maybe this will explain her frequent accidents. Poor thing, she must be miserable.

Then, we went to a play area to meet our friends S with her little boy H and A with her little boy P. They were our yoga buddies, and I love how they are so laid back and have a handle on the bigger picture. It’s refreshing, particularly at their age. They are quite a bit younger than me but have their act pretty well together. Mom watched as we played. I love how well P is getting around; Boop won’t be too far behind, I think.